Networking Activity 3 (NA3) –
User Training and Induction

Institute for Parallel Processing at the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPP-BAS)




gLite middleware Application Developers Course       

(Agenda, Summary)

Location: IPP-BAS, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 25-A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
                Room 105-1

Date:        08 July 2009
                12:00h – 17:30h


This event supports researchers intending to write or port applications to run using gLite 3.0 middleware.

The main topics are as follows:

-       the gLite functionality for workload management and MPI; 

-       the AMGA service;

-       the R-GMA service;

-       a brief introduction to some tools and practices for application developers - using gLite APIs, Gridification practices etc..

The trainers are from Institute of Parallel Processing of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPP-BAS)

Prerequisites: Participants should know the concepts of Grid computing and be familiar with the goals and achievements of the EGEE project. They should be familiar with simple job submission (with current or previous middleware) and be familiar with file management and the use of proxy certificates. Competence in use of Linux will be needed to edit files and command-lines.


The course will be held in the building of Sofia, IPP-BAS. The location map is here.


Evaluation Form



dsc03907 (Small)dsc03908 (Small)