Networking Activity 3 (NA3) –
User Training and Induction

Institute for Parallel Processing at the
Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences (IPP-BAS)



The courses in the EGEE project

EGEE induction courses

An induction course has the target of bringing new people in as EGEE participants or users. The majority will be new recruits to the EGEE-II project; they will all be new users.

Induction training material includes how to become a registered user of EGEE, the simple use, via portals, of established facilities run by EGEE-II, and Virtual Organisations (VOs). It also includes good real-world examples, and provides motivation for persevering with what can be a difficult technology. This uses the GILDA/GENIUS t-Infrastructure.

Induction includes an introduction to the further courses: e.g. the courses for application developers who then know how to integrate applications with EGEE-II infrastructure and deploy them.

Three different subclasses of user induction must meet the requirements of numbers trained, timeliness and quality.

  • EGEE Member Induction: for EGEE team members to be oriented and prepared to be effective in EGEE-II (New hires and old hands).

  • Grid-Aware Induction: for users already Grid-aware to be inducted to be EGEE users.

  • New Grid User Induction: for users who are Grid-naïve to be inducted to be EGEE users. Induction courses linked to project conferences and user forums are particularly popular and highly visible.

The induction material was re-used and updated in many courses. It was also produced and delivered in languages other than English.

Application developer training courses

An application developer is a person who can be external to EGEE-II or be within EGEE-II, but who intends to build new applications that:

  • run in the context of EGEE

  • exploit EGEE facilities

  • will become available to other EGEE users.

The training assumes expert levels of programming in an application domain, but does not necessarily assume prior experience of Grids or Web Services.

An application-developer training course develops the necessary understanding of the computational context provided by the EGEE-II platform. It acquaints the developer with the commonly used functions of that platform and their APIs. Participants will also learn of the constraints on applications and on users, and the tools available for monitoring and debugging operational applications.

The increasing functionality and resources of the operational EGEE systems and the growing diversity of user communities from more and more disciplines guarantee that demand for developer courses will significantly increase. 

Advanced courses

Participants on an advanced course will already be experienced users of Grid-based systems such as EGEE, and will have developed applications services, helped to establish new virtual organisations or have engaged in supporting EGEE site operation. In other words they will be well experienced in the underlying technology, its management and use. Typically, their knowledge and skills will be at least on a par with someone who has completed an application developer course and reinforced this with several months of intensive work developing and using applications in the context of the EGEE platform. We now recognise that there is a separate contingent of operations staff who require advanced courses on middleware installation and site management.

They will come to such courses expecting to work intensively to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in a specific technological area: e.g. fabric management, system administration, job submission, workload management or scheduling. Another example might be large-scale data management and data integration. This type of course will require input from imported experts.

The aim is that after such a course the group of developers would be able to build better applications and systems infrastructure in the area on which the course was focussed. They should act as effective advocates for the benefits of using EGEE infrastructure as an environment for applications. Many will also become important well-informed sources of requirements input to the design of future EGEE platform releases.